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Ace Cruncher
Joined: Jul 24, 2005
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BOINC: Special Startup Instructions for the BOINCmgr GUI

When the regular BOINC Manager is started either manually or via the Window Startup folder to always launch every time a user session is started, you can pass a number of instructions or arguments shown in this screen shot.

The most popular would be /s to tell the GUI interface not to open on screen or start minimized to the Start Bar, but rather directly as just an icon in the system tray. Edit the shortcut and building on the default put the application and path in quotation marks and append the relevant instruction which in this case would become e.g.
"C:\PROGRAM FILES\BOINC\BOINCmgr.exe" /s Caveat: It only works if the shortcut is set to open in a normal window. On Max or Min it will do that instead!

To add special commands and still start it minimized to the system tray becomes
"C:\PROGRAM FILES\BOINC\BOINCmgr.exe" "/s /b, --boincarg" **
Alternately, you may just start the BOINC core client, without the BOINCmgr by simply creating a shortcut containing the following command: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boinc.exe" --detach effectively running as were BOINC installed as a service. A system tray icon will only be shown during the time BOINCmgr is running (can be started and exited leaving BOINC.exe running in background).

  • Options based on the 5.10.45 client version

  • The arguments are case sensitive! The slash is under Linux a minus sign thus e.g. -s

  • BOINC Manager will start the BOINC core client, the background control of the sciences, if not already running.

  • ** All possible commands to go with /b are actually best passed using a separate BOINC utility:
    "The command-line options for %s are intended for debugging.\n"
    "The recommended command-line interface is a separate program,'boinccmd'.\n"
    "Run boinccmd in the same directory as %s.\n"
    "Usage: %s [options]\n"
    " --help show options\n"
    " --version show version info\n"
    " --exit_when_idle exit when there are no results\n"
    " --show_projects show attached projects\n"
    " --detach_project <URL> detach from a project\n"
    " --reset_project <URL> reset (clear) a project\n"
    " --attach_project <URL> <key> attach to a project\n"
    " --update_prefs <URL> contact a project to update preferences\n"
    " --read_global_prefs_override"
    " --read_cc_config"
    " --run_benchmarks run the CPU benchmarks\n"
    " --check_all_logins for idle detection, check remote logins too\n"
    " --allow_remote_gui_rpc allow remote GUI RPC connections\n"
    " --gui_rpc_port <port> port for GUI RPCs\n"
    " --redirectio redirect stdout and stderr to log files\n"
    " --detach detach from console (Windows)\n"
    " --dir <path> use given dir as BOINC home\n"
    " --no_gui_rpc don't allow GUI RPC, don't make socket\n"
    " --daemon run as daemon (Unix)\n"
    " --exit_before_start exit right before starting a job\n"
    " --exit_after_finish exit right after finishing a job\n"
    " --launched_by_manager core client was launched by Manager\n"
    " --run_by_updater set by updater\n"
    " --start_delay X delay starting apps for X secs\n"

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