When a Device aka Host or Client, and or it's Credits [fka Points] is not showing up in the My Grid > My Statistics >
Device Statistics or in the
Device Manager, there are several things to verify and consider:
- First off, Credits on My Statistics are only updated 2 times a day per a Schedule at 00:00 and 12:00 UTC time . In the interim visit the My Grid > Results Status page to view work in progress for all devices registered to a member. Devices/Hosts will show there the moment theyâve fetched work for the member a Device/Host was registered to. Visit the Results Status Navigation FAQs for expanded elaborations.
- After, go to the Device Manager and set the filter selectors [circled below in red] to anytime, (all devices), refresh the page and see if the device/host is showing. It should do immediately under the name that was assigned to the Host's Operating System, for instance desktop-01 [circled below in red].
To confirm the device name that is communicated to the project servers, look in a file called "client_state.xml" found in the Data Directory, which can be found by looking in the BOINC Message log, startup section similar to:
08/11/2008 07:49:20||Data directory: D:\My Documents\BOINCData
The client_state.xml file can be viewed with any text editor, for instance Notepad or Wordpad. The lines showing the member and device name are in example:
When the needed information is found, exit the editor or file content viewer without saving. Doing that risks corrupting the installation:
If using the cc_config.xml option <suppress_net_info>1</suppress_net_info> [See external Wiki], you need to look on the Result Status page for the Computer ID which is printed at the start of the client message log, for example:
08/11/2008 07:49:23|World Community Grid|URL: http: //www.worldcommunitygrid.org/; Computer ID: 628290; location:home; project prefs: home

- When not listed, verify that the Device/Host was properly registered to the Member under which you want to do the volunteer computing. Usually that's the same name as posting in the support forums. Check the elements [circled below in purple], to ascertain that they match.
Note that to see the popup in the Simple View [red circled], the mouse pointer must be positioned over the WCG Icon.
Summary order by which newly created devices appear on My Grid. This is when a device ID is assigned by the servers and showing near the BOINC message log start or where WCG got attached to the client. They appear- 1st in the My Grid > Device Manager (use the selection filters to also see older hosts).
- 2nd on the Result Status page when tasks are assigned, identified as In Progress) (Use Filters to narrow down if necessary!)
- 3rd, start showing in the My Grid > My Statistics > Device Statistics , when work has validated for that device/host and the 12 hourly statistics update run has completed.

other FAQ's for further subjects on Clients, Member names and Credits [fka Points] and visit the relevant
Support fora .

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