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Ace Cruncher
Joined: Jul 24, 2005
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Project Badges, Past and Present

The Project Badges are identifiers, medals if you will, displayed on the My Grid "By Project" page section, The By Project Statistics pages and as part of the Personal information area left of posts in the fora made by members of World Community Grid. They reflect minimum amounts of Computer Runtime contributed as per This Help Article. By hovering the mouse over the badge/medal the name of the represented project will appear with the time required to attain the badge, their color coded background depicting the level of achievement either with Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire **.

All present and past attainable badges are sampled as follows:
(1) These projects are all Phase I, with a (planned) Phase II
(2) These projects have multiple experiments/tests without further Phase Distinction.
(3) Had separate sponsorship from HPF2, hence given a separate badge.

Refer to the Research pages to discover when these projects started / ended and what is / was being investigated.

** Badge Background Color Coding: The background color of a badge indicates the <i>run time</i> a member has at least contributed to that project, representing Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby, Emerald , Sapphire and various Diamond levels. Details.


NB: A Badge only shows:
  • After the minimum amount of work required has been completed And validated for a single project!
  • After the first My Grid page statistics update, twice daily, has completed!

At the Global Statistics by Project page you can see the totals donated to research such as CPU time and results completed.

Edit: Corrected the link for TCEP
Edit Jul 15 2009: Added Ruby/Emerald/Sapphire info.
Edit Jan 19, 2010: Added publicly known projects in preparation.
Edit Mar 5, 2010: Updated DDDT2 status and added thumb/link to Project Duration Projection chart.
Edit Mar 3, 2012: Added various badges and or changed statuses
Edit May 2, 2012: Added CFSW
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[Edit 28 times, last edit by Former Member at Jan 26, 2015 11:09:29 AM]
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