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Master Cruncher
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Re: At this rate

Lots of people also crunch on the new project in a race to see who can get the first badge, then gold and then to see who is the first to reach 1 year and 2 years. Even after that people with many system try to get 4 or 5 years or possibly 10years in the hope that someday new badges will be released.
If this DDDT2 project had been further subdivided say into three phases, some people would miss out on a badge let alone their tartget badge. So it is as well kept as one project.
I would have preferred this part was kept with the first project, until the main phase of many releases. So I and many others could get the badges we wanted. People with 2years would have stopped crunching for it, knowing they would not get any further, as there would only be a few tasks. This project is still only 1% complete, and some people have no badge while others have gold and red badges. Such disparity in visualisations of wealth can only be limited at the planning and implementation levels.
[Edit 1 times, last edit by skgiven at Jun 8, 2010 11:11:53 AM]
[Jun 8, 2010 11:06:48 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

i am happy this is a phase 2 project yes i didn't get a sapphire on it but phase one is done and they shifted to phase 2.

personaly i am just waiting for the project to come as it will

[Jun 8, 2010 11:50:27 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

There have been many wrong assumptions made in this thread:
If there are more projects then the projects would be smaller and therefore shorter.
Regarding the size of a project there is no particular relationship with their number. Among the recent ones some are big (HCMD2), some are smaller (CEP1, IADS1, DDDT1). And regarding their duration, obviously, the more concurrent projects, the longer they are lasting.
What do you think your chances would be if a project only ran for a month or two?
Because of the manpower needed to evaluate, select and implement a new project one of the current conditions is that a submitted project will provide work for at least 6 months under normal operating conditions.
A new project would attract everyone; trying to get a badge, so it would not last longer.
Most WCG contributors don't care about badges. Either they let their devices crunch under the all-projects default selection, or they select the projects they are interested with and I wonder if they even check their statistics on a regular basis. Never forget that the forum population is only a very small subset of the whole WCG population.

I would have preferred this part was kept with the first project, until the main phase of many releases. So I and many others could get the badges we wanted.
Badges are not part of the decision to go on with the same project name or to create a second phase, they are only a consequence of the decision. This decision is mainly based on the application (software) used to compute the tasks.
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[Jun 8, 2010 12:26:20 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

yes with every new project you get people jumping over to the new project to get a minimum level badge for themselves
But if a cruncher has only 2 cores, then they have to work for 45 days to get a Gold, and 2 cores is not a big deal as a percentage of the 350TF capacity
[Jun 8, 2010 2:37:46 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

...and 2 cores is not a big deal as a percentage of the 350TF capacity
Sure. Even 20 or 200 cores.
Our team Decrypthon is much dedicated to HCMD2, 2/3rd of its daily production for an average 5 years daily runtime on this project. Still, this is only between 5 and 6 % of the daily total for the HCMD2 project.
So I doubt that the virtual "Badge Hunters" team can do much harm to a project running steadily.
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[Jun 8, 2010 3:49:17 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: At this rate

Have a look at some of the charts and you will see the migration; a sharp peak and a sustained high for the new project and dips in all the other projects.
People only need to post once to see their badge count in the forums, and you dont even need to post to see it on My Grid.
[Jun 8, 2010 7:07:02 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

Have a look at some of the charts and you will see the migration; a sharp peak and a sustained high for the new project and dips in all the other projects.
That seems logical and predictable and it confirms that there are enough all-projects members for the load balancing to work correctly.
When you add one new project to a set of n old ones the share of each of the old ones becomes (n-1)/n of what it was before.
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[Jun 9, 2010 6:37:28 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: At this rate

Load balancing = the removal of choice for crunchers angry
WCG asks what you would like to crunch, but keeps the default at all projects. Most people think that all projects means will crunch all projects equally, but that could not be farther from the truth!
When specific projects are selected, WCG load balances everyone's decision into oblivion. So people that have all projects selected do more of the work you chose not to do; cancelling the effect of your choice on the project. You choose what you do, but WCG works around it and does what the WCG wants disrespecting peoples choice.
This enforced system of False Choice is sneaky, deceptive, immoral and arrogant.
If the WCG genuinely wanted choice, the people that have all projects selected would crunch equal amounts of those tasks. That way if half the crunchers wanted to do work on a project they think is particularly important it would finish faster. For the WCG to dictate that all projects are equal is despotic.
If the WCG ever accept a project that someone disagrees with, their only choice would be to stop crunching for WCG altogether.
If they don't they will know that others will be crunching to negate their choices effect on the project.
[Jun 9, 2010 10:53:38 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

@skgiven- just cause I do not want a particular project crunched doesn't mean that I don't care what other people crunch.

sure there might be a project or 2 i do not want to do but it doesn't mean i don't want to see every project advance cause i know it will

as for load balancing yes if you have multiple projects selected then WCG will work all of those projects and probably use your computer to work ones with higher amounts in the loader. realize that WCG is a company and they agree with there partners who supply them with work that they will get the work done. so of corse if there is a ton of people working every other project but 1 or 2 then the people who are selected all projects will get some of those work.

It is just like in real life.. just cause i may support or not support some organization doesn't mean i need to picket the area or run thousands of support banners around myself cause of it. and if i dont picker or whatever corse others will use the facility.

it is kinda like saying BP is responsible for the oil spill so i will not support them by buying gas from them... did you know that most gas refineries get there gas from multiple companies when they refine it then the output gets divided by need and additives added to make it whatever brand of gas.
SO ....
this is also an ENFORCED SYSTEM OF FALSE CHOICE. unless of corse you are not using gas at all.

[Jun 9, 2010 12:12:54 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

sk ... I have not seen your above rant over at GPUGrid which I know you participate in and they give you absolutley no choice at all between their multiple subprojects. Do you have something in particular against WCG? You sound so bitter about WCG I wonder why do you even bother crunching here?
[Jun 9, 2010 12:14:12 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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