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Re: At this rate

I am not questioning my sanity, but I am starting to get real worried about the world around me. For example
personally i have almost given up on working for a badge for this project cause of the slow start
Now why would you even say that? Listen up people! DDDT2 product has now completed 1.0784% of the expected tasks

That means that over 98.9% of the project is still to come. Good time to start to give up.

Why the constant, repetitive whining? Do you think that the staff are going to work ANY harder if you whine? Do you really think that the rest of us care about why you are whining? WE DON'T. Do you think the Techs have time to write posts to the forum telling you the obvious: PLEASE BE PATIENT.

Work on another project, go swimming, go outside and shoot something. Do something to keep yourself busy. Man, it's really irritating. Same for the thread on the 'wingman'. Go find something exciting that makes you feel better. As for me, I am going to karate class to lay a hurt on a piece of 3/4" ash so I will feel better (thanks for asking).
[Aug 5, 2010 9:21:32 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

Anhhai, thanks for your understanding.
Forcing balance is not the same as bringing balance to the force.
Presently we are in a position that is forced, for many reasons and in many ways. The techs now seem to have imposed equality in their time too. As a result they are not spending all of their time on one or two troublesome projects, but are spreading their talents more evenly. I applaud this, and encourage this, as it facilitates more projects in more research areas. This may partially be why there is not a more steady stream of DDDT2 tasks and that the CEP2 project is not yet available for Windows users, to some extent, but it would also be why other projects are doing so well, why new projects will be available soon, and hopefully why many more new projects will follow.

While I have achieved my ambition, a badge, others have not. Hopefully regular WU availability will bring a badge to the less fortunate hunters soon.
[Edit 1 times, last edit by skgiven at Aug 5, 2010 10:41:09 PM]
[Aug 5, 2010 10:37:52 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

Anhhai, thanks for your understanding.
Forcing balance is not the same as bringing balance to the force.
Presently we are in a position that is forced, for many reasons and in many ways. The techs now seem to have imposed equality in their time too. As a result they are not spending all of their time on one or two troublesome projects, but are spreading their talents more evenly. I applaud this, and encourage this, as it facilitates more projects in more research areas. This may partially be why there is not a more steady stream of DDDT2 tasks and that the CEP2 project is not yet available for Windows users, to some extent, but it would also be why other projects are doing so well, why new projects will be available soon, and hopefully why many more new projects will follow.

While I have achieved my ambition, a badge, others have not. Hopefully regular WU availability will bring a badge to the less fortunate hunters soon.

As stated above please start your own thread regarding badges and project weight - that is not the purpose of this thread.
[Aug 6, 2010 12:21:01 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

Back to the subject of this thread (let's try again...):
Listen up people! DDDT2 product has now completed 1.0784% of the expected tasks
I think it's even less than that.
In its reference post on DDDT2 WUs Uplinger mentioned 22,000,000 type-C WUs. But usually he is counting WUs as problems to solve, not as copies to distribute. So if it is also the case in this particular post it will be close to 45,000,000 WUs that we will have to compute for this project and then we are closer to 0.5 % (as mentioned earlier by esoteric 17).
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[Aug 6, 2010 12:45:32 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: At this rate

Back to the subject of this thread (let's try again...):
Listen up people! DDDT2 product has now completed 1.0784% of the expected tasks
I think it's even less than that.
In its reference post on DDDT2 WUs Uplinger mentioned 22,000,000 type-C WUs. But usually he is counting WUs as problems to solve, not as copies to distribute. So if it is also the case in this particular post it will be close to 45,000,000 WUs that we will have to compute for this project and then we are closer to 0.5 % (as mentioned earlier by esoteric 17).

biggrin biggrin biggrin Then at 1/2 of one percent in two months, it will only take 33 years to complete. That's almost half of the original estimate of this thread of 60 years. We have made great progress already!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin

laughing "Figures lie and liars figure." laughing


[Aug 6, 2010 1:10:18 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

Back to the subject of this thread (let's try again...):
Listen up people! DDDT2 product has now completed 1.0784% of the expected tasks
I think it's even less than that.
In its reference post on DDDT2 WUs Uplinger mentioned 22,000,000 type-C WUs. But usually he is counting WUs as problems to solve, not as copies to distribute. So if it is also the case in this particular post it will be close to 45,000,000 WUs that we will have to compute for this project and then we are closer to 0.5 % (as mentioned earlier by esoteric 17).

biggrin biggrin biggrin Then at 1/2 of one percent in two months, it will only take 33 years to complete. That's almost half of the original estimate of this thread of 60 years. We have made great progress already!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin

laughing "Figures lie and liars figure." laughing


1/2 of one percent in 5.5 months wink (project start 2/17)
[Aug 6, 2010 1:49:09 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: At this rate

biggrin biggrin biggrin Then at 1/2 of one percent in two months, it will only take 33 years to complete. That's almost half of the original estimate of this thread of 60 years. We have made great progress already!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin

laughing "Figures lie and liars figure." laughing


1/2 of one percent in 5.5 months wink (project start 2/17)

laughing biggrin laughing I stand corrected. wink Then we are not almost halfway done? Man-o-man do we suck!!! laughing biggrin laughing


EDIT: OK I get it now. We have actually made negative progress. Since we crunched 1/2 of one percent of a 60 year project and the result is a 100 year project then the more we crunch the longer it will take and we can never complete it!! Eureka, I got it. laughing biggrin laughing

It has been a loooong time since I studied math but I am reminded of the realm of imaginary numbers. Does the square of an imaginary number still equal a non-positive real number? Does the square root of a negative real number still result in both a positive and non-positive imaginary number? It's been a long time and I forget. laughing biggrin laughing

[Edit 2 times, last edit by Dataman at Aug 6, 2010 3:44:14 AM]
[Aug 6, 2010 1:57:32 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

In regards to the project weighting discussion, please review this post:,28107_offset,0#260714
[Aug 9, 2010 1:17:34 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

This may partially be why there is not a more steady stream of DDDT2 tasks and that the CEP2 project is not yet available for Windows users, to some extent, but it would also be why other projects are doing so well, why new projects will be available soon, and hopefully why many more new projects will follow
Nope. Wrong again. The reason that the DDDT2 WU are intermittent is that the SCIENTISTS (remember them) have decided to review the results of each batch (at least all work up to now) before the next batch is released to WCG. This means that the Type A units are reviewed after they are all returned to the scientists before they release the resulting B units. This creates a pause between the batches.

What extends the wait is that all results must be returned and reviewed, thereby forcing the scientists to wait until the last WU is returned (no doubt a repair unit), then review the final results, then release. It takes time. crying

Finally, you may ask why it is so? It is because the scientists have decided that this is how THEIR research is going to work. Their research, their decision, we wait, hence intermittent. Let's not make them out to be the bad guy. This is their life's work. cool

The reason that there are no CEP2 Windows WU yet is because WCG, in collaboration with the scientists, decided to roll out the Linux version first. For once, the Linux users got a project first instead of the Windows users. What a nice change for the Linux crunchers. Meanshile the Windows and Apple users get to wait. biggrin
[Aug 9, 2010 2:58:10 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: At this rate

[...] Meanshile the Windows and Apple users get to wait. biggrin

...or make their first experience with Linux... wink
[Aug 9, 2010 3:15:46 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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